We are active to support the internationalisation of our clients in the Middle East.
Each client has specific needs and expectations: we are committed to providing custom-specific services and solutions.
Clients manufacturing client-specification Engineered Equipment wishing to sell in the Middle East market require a detailed analysis of the market and the definition of the most effective commercial strategy.
Clients may need a suitable Local Partner to import and distribute their products, or to manufacture /assemble their products under a partnership agreement; this ensures that they can offer the In Country Value (ICV) or 'local content' that facilitates market penetration.
To maximise commercial penetration in the area, we are promoting a Multi-Brands Maintenance Centre to minimise investment and operating costs.
We offer also Business Intelligence services to maximise market understanding and commercial success.
The focus of our services is always on useful and quantifiable results.
We only serve clients who are not in conflict of interest with each other.
We are committed to ensure clients’ ventures success.

Engineered Equipment

Clients manufacturing Engineered Equipment require a detailed analysis of the end-users of their equipment, the EPC contractors active in the area, and need to identify each project from the earliest stage to ensure that they are included in the project vendor list; once the project enters the execution phase, to pursue the opportunity starting from the receipt of the inquiry documents up to the purchase order award.
Project related support includes risk management, contract analysis, support in dealing with main issues with end-users' top management, expedite payments, and release of guarantees.
Local Partner

Clients may need a suitable Local Partner to import and distribute their products, or to manufacture /assemble their products under a partnership agreement; this ensures that they can offer the In Country Value (ICV) or 'local content' that facilitates market penetration.
The selection of the best partner is the key to success: risk analysis, identification, evaluation, suitable contractual language, and continuous evaluation of Local Partner's performance are paramount.
As an alternative there is the viable option of creating a fully foreign-owned local company.
Maintenance Centre

Clients selling complex equipment need to offer to end-users a professional maintenance service to guarantee them that the equipment are properly and timely maintained and repaired.
The availability of a maintenance centre facilitates and supports qualification and sales efforts, and in most cases is the condition precedent to be considered as a potential supplier.
We are promoting among our clients the initiative of setting up a multi-brand maintenance centre, between companies not in conflict of interest with each other, to minimize investment and operating costs.
Business Intelligence Service

We have developed expertise and selected tools to detect, collect, and process information and data to extract knowledge for a strategic decision making.
The reporting produced makes findings easier to grasp and share within the client's organization.
The findings serve as the basis to define strategic decisions, improve efficiency and efficacy, adapt to markets' changes and overcome issues.